Conspiracy Theories 🤔
Josef PazderkaP.S.

Conspiracy theories
...are supposed to be fun and lighthearted.
You are not supposed to storm the capitol because you saw a video online.
The best job of keeping it light does AJ and HeckleFish from The Why Files YouTube channel.
P.S. The Vatican's archives are just a big library. Every time something like the Miami mall's accident happens one of the Vatican's priests will make a written record of what happened and some context as well I guess.
Look! These supernatural, paranormal stories are extremely hard to believe. And also how can we know that story from 15th century is actually true or not. Yes it was recorded by a priest, but you know how stories are. People exaggerate and stories tend to turn into urban legends.
Vatican is not trying to gate keep these stories particularly. People just naturally lose interest and start paying attention to something else.
Have you ever seen the show Hoarders?? That is basically your answer to "why."
The Vatican's archive is just hard to believe stories on soooooo old paper that if you look at it for too long it will disintegrate.
Don't overthink it. It is not that big of deal xdddddddd 😅
Fake Online Fucks
Governments have literally been using agents to go on chatting, forums and spread misinformation for ages. Since the first computers were purchased and used by the public, there have already been agents waiting to write propaganda emails xdddddd
Since the little incident around the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, people have become aware of governments using agents (teams of humans) to create fake accounts and change the public's perception online.
Obviously, corporations use this method too...
Reddit + 4chan
For the love of God... stop believing every fcking stranger online. Yes, stories on Reddit are interesting and fun, but most of them are probably fcking fake.
Young aspiring novel authors will just go on Reddit to basically train their writing skills.

Too good to be True!
If it sounds too good to be true. It probably is. Just sayin.
Maybe?? 🤔
You should not believe every fcking retarded thing you read or see online. Especially if it comes from a stranger. That kind of stranger online most likely does NOT have good intentions in their heart.
Just because some idiots believe absolutely everything they read. Doesn't mean that we have to overregulate the internet. It is extremely important in these hard times to preserve the freedom of speech.
Jews do NOT rule the world !!!
Zionists do NOT rule the world...
Politics is a very complex chess game with many many many different groups of interest.
For example...
AIPAC (Jewish think tank), Republican Party, Democratic Party, Military-industrial complex, National rifle association (Lobby group), Silicon Valley, Wall Street, Supreme Court, Pentagon, Pharmaceutical lobby (Big pharma), The White House, Bureaucrats in DC, 3 letter agencies, Hollywood, Legacy media
The baby formula lobby... That is just disgusting !!!
Those are just a few famous examples of different groups of interest that have different levels of political "power" (or in some cases, we are only talking about political influence)
Together, they try to influence knowingly (or sometimes unknowingly) the US culture by participating in the broad complex game that we call politics.
Yes, the relationship between Israel and the United States is very unhealthy but this could only change from the bottom up. It could only change by awakening the American Zionists (radical Christians and radical Jews)
They would have to STOP believing all of the nonsensical fairy tales that have been whispered into their ears since early childhood. And they would have to start focusing on the true core of their respected religions. Which is unconditional love for all people. (Including Muslims)
Kabbalah is originally a Jewish word and means...
"to receive"
To receive knowledge from your teacher in school. To receive knowledge from a higher power (God, Allah, El, David, Universe, Creator, Jesus etc. etc.)
The word "Kabbalah" itself has a deeper meaning. It is supposed to remind you to be humble and open-minded. Basically, it means...
You are never smart enough. You should be always ready "to receive" more knowledge and wisdom from the higher power.
Kabbalah teachings are occult esoteric hidden spiritual teachings. Kabbalah teachings are basically a way how to become enlightened Jewish style. Basically, everything am teaching you here in the BLOG 🔥🔥🔥 for free...
Kabbalah teachings are the Jewish version of that.
The true Judaism is a very beautiful religion full of unconditional love. ❤️
George Soros
George Soros and his long-term business partner Stanley Druckenmiller are both legends on Wall Street. They first appeared in the public eye when they were able to benefit from the crash of the British pound in September 1992.
Like a every good story, only half of it is actually true... 😅
There is a myth going around that they caused the crash. That is simply not true. The crash of the British pound would happen anyway they just have been able to find a way how to benefit from it financially.
George was born as a Hungarian Jew in 1930. Hungary didn't do any holocaust shit, but they would deport all Jews to Germany...
for free... 😅
He only survived because they pretended to be Christians. He has a lot of trauma from childhood because even before the war. All of Europe would be extra racist against Jews (Pogroms) They would put Jews in jail for no reason etc etc.
He basically feels a lot of sympathy for the black community and other minorities and wants to make sure that no one is put behind bars for no reason. He uses his money (lobby) to influence the politics in DC and other cities as well to push diversity, inclusion etc. etc. (All perfectly legal... btw)
P.S. Big shout out to my homeboy Nicholas Winton who saved hundreds of innocent kids from going into concentration camps. He did it by organizing rescue trains and plains from Prague to Great Britain
Today George is quite old old...
I really don't think that he is politically active in any shape or form.
Very very unlikely...
I just wanna say that...
I fully understand the ideology and I know that this all comes from good intentions. But even good intentions when taken to extreme can be creating unnecessary struggles for people on day to day basis.
When it comes to political issues and political ideologies, I would personally try to advise anyone to stay away from extremism and try to be as close to equilibrium as possible.

Rich Fucks do NOT rule the world !!!
Although... 😅
Naaaaaaaahh am fcking with yall xddddddddd
Although... 🤣🤣🤣
Take for example my homebrother Mark Zuckerberg.
He actually has a little bit of money xdddddd
Now for real. Mark is very intelligent. He is very very very hardworking. Thanx to these qualities, like many other billionaires, he has been able to achieve a lot of success in his life. Thanx to this success he has...
He has a lot of influence. Billionaires like him have a lot of different ways how to shape our society. How to influence our culture today. If it is by inventing cool new shit. Or if it is by using their fortunes to fight for noble causes or if it is simply by having a lot of business connections...
The world of Billionaires is not as big as you might think... 😅
It is probably NO secret to anyone that your average billionaire has way way way more ways how to influence stuff happening in the world rather than us (the general public) And yes billionaires have many more ways how to influence politics as well but...
There are over 9 billion people in the world. I would love to remind you there are more countries than just the United States. Yes, you can try to influence people's minds by different types of propaganda but at the end of the day. We are all co-creators of this universe and we get to decide what thoughts we will pay attention to and what thoughts don't serve us.
No one rules the world. We all create the world together! ❤️
That is why I am trying to teach you how to differentiate between Holy thoughts and Evil thoughts so that you can better participate in the co-creation of this beautiful universe.
With all of this being said. Let me tell you something.
Just because no one can really be...
the one ruler...
the one king...
the one has it all...
That doesn't mean that those rich motherfuckers don't try... 😅
The way some of them speak about themselves...
Some of yall need to find your way back to Jesus.
You need to ground yourself properly.
You need to remind yourself every day what you are grateful for.
Never forget.
The evil goes for the ego first... 😅

Listen Carefully !!!
P.S. If you love action movies and you want to feel immerse into the world of being a true spy and work for the 3 letter agencies...
Then I have the perfect movies for you... 😅
99.9% of all agents working for the 3 letter agencies are on the side of the Holy. They are pro-humanity. (Even tho it may not always seem like it... 😅)
Every day and night they work their ass off to make sure you all are safe!
So what...
they don't tell you everything...
They don't even tell each other everything. 😅
(Sleepy Joe probably just overnaped and forgot to do shit... 😅 again...)
You think you want to know everything but...
Let's be real here for a second.
You can barely handle the information that is written in this BLOG 🔥🔥🔥

Bubble Burstholin
Also all of the people who are on cable TV and talk about archangels and spirituality and Aliens. They all have in some shape or form a contract with the deep state. Usually through 3rd party etc. etc.
Btw, there are like ten gazillion people like this...
The problem is...
Not everything they put out there is the truth...
❌ There is a myth going around that they have to tell you what is really going on.
That is simply NOT true.
✔️ They don't have to do shit. They want you to know. But yall so kinda like a little bit fcking retarded, you don't believe shit no more.
The government has you so messed up that...
Some of y'all are like...
"I did believe in Aliens, but then the government started talking about disclosure and I knew something was up. They must be trying to hide some shit or something."
There is a lot of good information out there and also a lot of disinformation.
I get it... 😅
P.S. Guyzzzz and Gaaalzzzz Listen very carefully!
All of the governments all around the world always try to influence the most mainstream movies that will be seen by the general public. That is literally happening in all of the countries around the world not just US.
The movie "Doctor Strange" should have been just called "Look what are cool agents can do. They can astral project. How coolzies is that"
+ Plus a little bit of that superhero costumes type of shit... IDK... 😅
Or something like that I don't know.
I don't really do the superhero childish stuff. Now listen...
I know this might be confusing for yall so...
Let me elaborate... 😅
Running around an imaginary castle in ill fitting outfits with wooden dildos in your hand, might seem a little bit childish as well but...
Do not get confused... 😅
It is a completely different thing. #TrustMeBro
It is actually a deep rotted sign of a strong healthy masculinity, for a young smart very well-read gentleman, to like Harry Potter a little tiny bit more than is considered usual xdddd
Trust me on this one... 😅
Aliens 👽
Don't worry I won't leave out all the sweet juicy stuff...
I will tell yall... 😅
(Btw, you don't have to believe any of this. It is totally up to you)
According to the mainstream theory we have evolved from primates.
The newest theory suggests... 😅
That we not only have a DNA from primates but...
At some point, our DNA has been altered by Extraterrestrial races (Aliens) from different planets. The most commonly known ones are...
Blue Avian (Amun-Ra - you can actually work with him)
Arcturian (Channeling - Paul Miljus)
I have put different music in the YT playlists so you can try to channel them. It might theoretically work, but obviously I am not promising you anything xddddd

Highly debatable...
Now listen very carefully !!!
Yes, Annunakies were the first alien race that created the first-ever hybrids between primates and aliens. Yes, the first-ever homo sapiens had most likely (Probably. It is NOT 100%) a combination of primate DNA and DNA from an alien race.
But you have to understand they looked nothing like today's humans. They were way way way more hairy like primates are. We evolved on our own into homo sapiens sapiens. (And other alien races, when they heard what Annunakies did. They started mixing their DNA too... 😅)
This all happened over thousands and thousands of years.
Today we all have a little bit of DNA from all sorts of different alien races. And it doesn't matter what skin color you are or what ethnic background you are, you have all of the alien DNA within your own DNA too.
Look it all sound like a cool new info, but really it doesn't change shit at all. We all still have to pay taxes and shit so... Who gives a fuck if we are monkeys or only half monkeys?? 😅
Yes, Annunakies built the pyramids (Probably. It is NOT 100%) together with the homo sapiens (first hybrids). That was literally thousands and thousands of years ago.
Let's just all chill out a little bit.
Please bear with me. Listen carefully.
All of the stories about Jesus and biblical miracles and shit are all overexaggerated. And it all happened yesterday. If you look at it from the bigger perspective of time.
Jesus walked this planet literally yesterday.
Look people overexaggerate all the time. People create urban legends all the time. Facts are boring. Facts are not fun.
Comics exaggerate their stories during stand-up.
We all know that.
Facts are not fun they are boooooooooriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing... 😅
Let's be fcking for real for a moment. If I wrote this shit.
All of this shit. In facts and facts only.
None of you would ever read this... 😅
All of the stories about Annunakies fighting and having slaves and shit like that. Guys, we have no idea if any of that is true or not.
We don't really have any way of confirming how much of that is true or not. We have very very very old (ancient) texts on different stones and shit but other than that, it is kinda blurry from there.
please listen...
conspiracy theories are supposed to be fuuuuuuuuuuun
and light-hearted
Let's all just keep it fun. Shall we?? xddddddd

First of all, every single human being is a "Starseed." When we usually use the term "Starseed" we are talking about a soul that had reincarnated as something other than human (alien) before.
Every single soul had that experience. When you are first separated from God's energy. You NEVER go to earth as your first reincarnation.
Because Earth is way too hardcore... 😅
You can try to find out your starseed origin (Your first incarnation ever) from your Akashic records. Although this information may not be "available" to you right away.
Sometimes when we in the spiritual community say about someone that, he or she is starseed. We mean that this is their first incarnation as a human. This means they had a previous life as a higher dimensional being (alien) before this life.
On Earth, as a human, we don't remember our previous reincarnations (lives) but other aliens that live in higher dimensions do remember. Every single newborn Pleiadian remembers his or her previous lives.
Just so you know xddddddd
Also, as we are evolving into the 5th dimension some of the newborn kids will remember their previous lives automatically as well. I saw the other day TikTok of a 4-year-old old who remembers her brother from her previous life, but the mom said that she is an only child.
Just so you know that is perfectly normal. Don't worry about it.
Kinda like Dorothy, but you won't have to hit your head.
Yeah 🤯
(P.S. Blue, Purple, and Grey in this instance means a type of soul family that your soul is originally from. These several channeled messages don't talk about aliens at all. It is about our human soul families. I just wanted to clarify)
I almost forgot to tell you that the Aliens know that they should be here right at this moment, because they work with the same Spiritual Guides, as we do. Aliens from the 5th dimension (Alive) have spiritual guides from the 5th density (Dead).
But you can work with spiritual guides from the 5th density (dead) too...
If you wanna.
Yeah... 😅
We are all kinda like...
All connected through Jesus... 😅 (God, Allah, El, David, Universe, Creator, etc. etc)
Why I am telling you all of this?
(Btw... my third eye "extra extra" opened when I was looking at both of these pictures. I guess they both wanted to be in... 😅)
For all my Holy Avengers
We are evolving as Humans all together. We are all shifting from the 3D into the 5th dimension. All of the Alien races that are already in the 5th dimension (Tall whites, Pleadiens, etc., etc.) are orbiting Earth right now.
You cannot see them because they are literally living in a different dimension. In the 5th dimension. They will make first contact this year 2k24 or the early 2k25.
When you go to sleep, your soul leaves the body and goes to the Astral Real. That is 100% true, you just don't remember that. The aliens have technology that picks up the soul.
Kinda like a dream Uber !!!
We all lightworkers will be picked up and we will hang out in the Alien spaceship during our sleep. We will have hang outs and chill outs all happing during our sleep.
I felt like you might wanna know about it... 😅
So that you won't freak out... 😅
Also as we are slowly but surely approaching a 5th dimension. You can already sometimes see the aliens travel in the sky and pick up the souls. Don't worry about it. If they really wanted you fcking dead. You would be dead yesterday. They are all super peaceful.
It is a party up there... 🥂
If you have a problem remembering your dreams, you can buy what is called "Dream crystal." It is a type of crystal that remembers your dreams.
You just have to kinda like hold it right after you wake up and you will remember your dream. (Lightworker meeting) Then you might wanna write it down.
You also have to wash the dream crystal with water each day so that it can remember new dreams. (Or put it in the sunlight)
P.S. I don't know who (All of you) needs to hear this.
Just because you are a Lightworker does NOT mean you are better than others.
All it means is that your soul agreed to come here "just to help others" before you were even born. That is it. Don't overthink it.
Remember! The evil will go for your Ego first.

The Greys 🛸
There are several different alien species that have grey skin color. The US deep state allegedly registers up to 70 different species of aliens. Several of them are grey.
The greys that we are all familiar with, those are allegedly not aliens, they are human beings from different timeline. Basically, imagine the same universe that you live in but...
The whole Big Bang thingy happened 1 million years earlier.
That is the parallel universe that the greys are from. They are human beings from Earth...
but an Earth with different earlier timeline.
(More about timelines later)
They have completely merged with robots and AI, so now they are 99.9% wires and shit. And only like 00.1% carbon (organic matter). So they have to hang out with us.
They need us. We do NOT need them.
They have been literally living with us for decades. They used to have a base on Antarctica. But then in the 1920s, we become a global civilization. Meaning we truly dominated the whole planet, so they relocated to the dark side of the moon.
Guys, they are boring as shit...
They are literally just robots.
I honestly don't know why the governments don't want you to know about them. They are kinda just like robots literally. The aliens that are orbiting our planet in 5th dimension are much cooler trust me on this one xdddd
The Greys did NOT learn the lesson about patience so...
They are not happy with how slow we have been at evolving into the 5th dimension and so...
They like to come down from the moon and creep out little kids in African villages or something.
They tell them not to merge with robots and shit...
and also that they don't have to be afraid.
"The Greys just wanna help."
That is what they... kinda like... like to do for fun or something... IDK... 😅
(Have ever tried to calm someone down by telling them "CALM DOWN"
yep... 😅 That helps xdddddddd)
Roswell 1947 was also these same Greys. And in 1954 Dwight D. Eisenhower made officially a deal with them but how do you really negotiate with a civilization that is 1 million years ahead of us? It is kinda hard... 😅
Basically, they gave us some of their cool technology and cool crafts to study and since then we have been able to make our own UFO.
99.9% of all UFOs that you will ever see are US deep-state crafts or the greys. It is kinda hard to tell which one is which, but according to the research of Dr. Steven Greer our (US deep state) crafts have like wires hanging and overall look much more shitier.
I almost forgot. All of the crop circles are made by the Greys. Every time there is like a supernova BUM-BUM (or something like that) they will like draw it out. Just to remind us they are still here to help.
It is like when you get flowers and it is just a random Tuesday. 🌹
No big event (birthday etc. etc.) Just they remembered...
Kinda cute:))) when you think about it... 🌻
Moon landing 1969
Contradictory to popular belief, there is more than just one deep state. Every single country that really wants to matter has its own deep state and because in the second half of the previous century, we all have nukes and could no longer murder the shit out of each other for no reason...
We just wanted to flex on each other in different ways and so...
We started to race with the taxpayer's money...
(Slightly better then murdering taxpayers with their own money)
Who will be the one that visits the greys first ??
Tour de Moon
(OMG don't overthink this. It is literally a giant space station full of aliens that have nothing better to do with their lives other than, watching a bunch of monkeys trying to figure out their own existence.
That is it. It is not complicated at all. It is super simple... 😅
Also, they keep sending us messages (Downloads) through frequencies.
What is so hard to understand about this? Such a simple...
type of stuff... 😅)
"Coincidence" Right?? Right !! 😅😅😅
(P.S. I am not sure about this at all so don't take this as 100% but the Greys are technically not aliens. They are cyber humans from different timelines so they are not allowed inside the moon.
(Or maybe they just do not want to live inside... 😅 IDK... I didn't have the chance to ask about their feelings or about their choice of pronouns for that matter xddddd)
But the Greys they have a base on the moon not inside. They have a base on the dark side of the moon.
Just so you know... 😅
It's good to know)
(P.P.S. The conspiracy theory that the moon is a giant spaceship is kinda out there. I get it. It is one of my personal favorite conspiracies so I wanted to include it in, but with that being said it is highly debatable.
I would personally recommend you to approach all conspiracies with a lot of skepticism and even more lightheartedness, fun...
and a lot of jokes... 🤣🤣🤣
But everything said about the greys am actually pretty certain about...
almost like 96.30%)
So we have landed on the moon in 1969 but for some unknown fcking reason to me...
They never bothered to tell the Apollo 11 crew that there will be a super advanced cyberhuman race from a different timeline waiting for them after they land.
When you really think about it. That is just fcking hilarious xdddddddddd
Have ever seen the press conference after they come back to Earth xdddddd
How creeped tf out they are xdddddd
Funny as fuck xdddddddd
and always will be xdd
All of the footage??
Fake as shit.
They created all of the footage somewhere in Nevada's desert or something like that...
IDK where exactly to be honest with y'all.
First of all, they didn't want to show the Greys...
And they wanted to make it look pretty so that the Russians are jealous as fuck.
Pretty by 1960s standards ofc xdd
Ugly as shit by today's... 😅
Well... 😅 I am claiming it as a confirmation synchronicity xddddddddd
Listen! No one is making me watch the black-and-white old fart movies. You have to understand I am young. I grew up on something else. There are only two exceptions. My badie Marilyn Monroe and the good old Front Page.
Yes, it is in color. Yes, it is the newer one.
In my defense...
that is still fcking old for me...
And I genuinely thought it was black and white... 😅
India's Space Program
Like I said there is way more than just one deep state. For simplicity of this article, I will intentionally not mention certain key players. (France, Israel, Switzerland, Brussels, Germany, Japan xoxo, Saudi Arabia, Netherlands - science)
There are 3 Major deep states:
1) Western Allies (United States, United Kingdom, Australia xddddd, New Zeland)
A lot of Freemasonic lounges xdd Just sayin... 😅
Btw no one fcks with (a little bit) Canada. They pretend like they do but not really xdd
2) Russia (used to be USSR)
First of all, Russia is a different Planet. Not just culture-wise xdd
Also, they have a lot of smart talent, but they are kinda low on budget compared to others.
3) China
Well, they have money...
At least they used to before they started central planning and building stupid shit.
P.S. Before you get yall crazy ideas !!!
Basically, all of the key members of all of these 3 major deep states are fully aware. Contradictory to popular belief, they are on "good" terms. Western allies fully cooperate and share pretty much everything. They don't "work" with the other 2 major players, but they have communication channels fully open.
I mean they have to. Everyone has nukes nowadays. You have to be able to communicate. And so if any state wants to land on the moon. (Visit the greys) They have to first get approval from the US deep state and at least like acknowledgment from the other 2 major deep states.
So basically if India is allowed to land on the dark side of the moon that means that the US deep state fucks with them. You know what I mean.
They cool.
They in a situationship now... 😅
P.S. Listen. They all have been to the dark side of the moon like gazillion times.
If someone visits "officially"
That is just for the headlines. That is just for us (the goyim).
So that we clap:)))
yea I know... 😅
Varginha (Brazil) 1996
(Am like 96.30% sure it was aliens and not greys but...)
Listen very carefully! I don't know if that was the greys (cyberhumans) or any other alien race. It is hard to know, but I know one thing for sure...
I don't know if you... like... remember...
Like a... you know like... we had this thingy... like...
you know...
few years back... we had this thingy... like...
this... you know like...
Covid thingy...
You remember?? 😅
The lockdowns. The mandatory masks. The wash your hands type of shit??
We wash our hands so that we get rid of the parasites and viruses. Not because someone said it on TV. We wash our hands because it saves lives. When the first Europeans landed in America. They infected most of the native tribes with Spanish flu. Millions and millions of people died because of that. They had no natural immunity.
But that is a whole different type of tea... 😅
The Aliens have parasites and viruses that we have never encountered in our lifetimes. We don't have immunity against that. They literally live on different planets. If something like the "Varginha (Brazil) 1996" UFO crash happened again. Please do not approach the aliens on your own and don't fcking touch them. You might die.
You might die similarly like the driver who drove them to the hospital.
Don't worry his soul lives literally forever anyway.
Like yours does as well:)))
If you are a professional (medical, service duty) and you are called on the site (UFO crash). I would personally recommend you to wear appropriate protective clothing. Just in case.

Listen Carefully !!!
Yes, the Aliens and the Greys have super cool advanced technology but...
If you have nukes and then anything better than nukes.
There are only two things that will happen...
1) The people inside the civilization just murder the shit out of each other.
Basically back into the Stone Age or...
2) The civilization evolves into the higher 5th dimension
and becomes like super extra peaceful.
We are literally about to enter the 5th dimension
and all the Aliens are here to welcome us...
Well let's be honest here for a second okay...
It is kinda boring to be a super peaceful civilization all the time so the Aliens literally want to watch us because Earth is "where the shit is happening."
They literally have nothing better to do than watch us.
Some of the Aliens literally hope to fcking die just so they can reincarnate as humans so that they can be here while we are shifting into the 5th dimension.
I am dead ass fr fr
That is how cool it is to be a fcking human right now fr fr. So let's just all appreciate that we are the ones who will actually have the chance to experience this amazing time in our civilization's history.
Yapholin about life
I have had several different jobs and also a few different carriers.
Doing a few little gigs here and there. Makes u meet interesting cool cats. xdddd
I used to work as something like a door dasher on a bike in London.
Also when I was in London before I got a job. I had to go around and hand out a CV that I had printed. To be honest that is not the most successful strategy... 😅
I have been a waiter at many different restaurants.
I also used to work in a Czech statistical office. Very junior low-tier level job. Making sure that the data sent to the official collecting place for Agenda 2030 are correct. It sounds good on paper, CV maybe, but in reality... 😅
I also worked at a razor factory on an assembly line.
Putting razors into boxes and shit. (etc. etc.)
(P.S. Now listen! The best way to find out what job might interest you is to find out what personality you have (OCEAN)
From Soul's perspective doesn't matter if you want to be a "self-made big-boy businessman" or if you love your 9 to 5. Just do whatever makes you happy in a long run:)))
Different jobs and professions attract people with different personalities and interests.
You just see on your screen mostly people with the same personalities. Being a celebrity usually means you want to be seen. You want to be in the spotlight. Generally, almost always tends to be a highly extroverted people. That does not mean it is the best path in life for you)
None of this fcking matter...
You have to understand your soul doesn't give a shit at all what you do for work. The only reason your soul came here is to experience the full range of emotions. Good and bad.
Souls don't give a shit if you are a rich politician or garbageman. From a soul's perspective, it is the same thing. If your soul really wants to she/he can choose a completely different life path next time.
It is all about the tiny little moments. Those moments that you will never forget.
Being with your loved ones. Being with your family. Being with your kids. etc. etc.
You have to understand that even overcoming tragedy in life and heartbreak is all that your soul wanted to experience. All that your soul really signed up for. Everything that life has to offer. The good and the bad.
I know that the life of a celebrity looks amazing and shit. But behind the cameras...
They don't live better lives than us. Yes, they live richer lives but they still go through the same emotions and struggles as we all do.
If there is only one single thing that you would take from reading all of this. Just please stop comparing your life to the life of others. Jealousy is the biggest killer of happiness.
What a "shocker"
Almost as if it is all just a facade... 😅
It is important to be authentic.
Not lying to yourself.
Staying true to yourself.
Makes a big diff !!!

The God loves you.
The aliens love you and hope to meet you soon... 😅
Have a good one:)))