#6 death death ...UwU...
Lots going on in this one... So...
If you wanna catch it all xddddddddddddd
Then I would recommend you to read Spiritual Trilogy first...
And then come back here later:)))
P.S. Part 1 (Click here)
do NOT do DRUGS !!
cuz it is bad for u...
Also spiritual experiences are...
NOT only for people under the influence of drugs...
Anyone can have a spiritual experience if that is what their heart desires...
Just keep that in mind...
Crossing into the Spirit realm...
I once saw a video where a woman was describing her experience with ayahuasca. During here experience she described dying. And then following other souls into what she assumed was an after life.
She said that it felt nothing like tripping.
That her sight was crystal clear.
Nothing like tripholin 😝
I just wanna say that experimenting with these types of substances like DMT or ayahuasca on your own, can be very dangerous. It is very hard to get the right dosage. Not only that but also the fact that nowadays there is always the danger that your substance might be laced with fentanyl.
That is why it is much safer to go to the designated clinic.
Also, the fact that you are usually under the supervision while intoxicated makes it much much much more safer than any other "homemade" alternative.
Near death experiences (NDE)
Thanx to the work of a doctor Jeffrey Long and his wife Jody Long...
We have now a database of over 4000+
testimonials of people having a near death experience.
Btw... You can check them all out by yourself. Just click here!!
According to their research near-death experiences are nothing like psychedelic experiences. That is what makes me believe that the state of being during a deep sleep or during a psychedelic trip is a form of traveling into a different type of realm. The Astral realm or astral traveling if you will.
Near-death experiences are nothing like that.
They usually start with an event. Something like a car crash or a heart attack. During this event, the patient loses heart beat completely for several minutes.
People usually report seeing themselves float above their own body. In some instances, they see other beings approach them and even communicate with them. During this experience, they are fully present. They say that the experience felt more real than actual life itself.
This is somewhat similar to what remote viewing seems to be like. Where the psychics who are capable of remote viewing report seeing themselves float above the body as well.
I would assume that it is a moment where the soul leaves the body and hovers over it, which is both true for NDE and remote viewing as well.
Which religion is right??
The question old as time itself.
Every religion is correct.
Let me explain...
If people are religious, they tend to report experiences similar to their religious beliefs. If they report to be atheists prior to NDE. They tend to report usually following a light, a tunnel etc. etc.
You have to understand...
The Spirit realm is completely non-physical.
Meaning that...
If an alien dies. They will hover over their body and then they will most likely see aliens approach them and take them to the afterlife (spirit realm) The spirits will take an appropriate form in order to calm you and welcome you with ease.
If a human dies. He or she will be approached by spirits that will take a human form and welcome them into the afterlife (spirit realm)
But regardless.
Your body only exists in this 3D reality.
Beyond that, everything seems to be non-physical.
Every religion is right.
Every religion is correct.
Just pick your favorite and shut the fck up !!