World of Warcraft Plunderstorm

World of Warcraft Plunderstorm

Josef Pazderka


I have been diving deep into the wonders of the computer games world...

and let me tell you something...


fun fun fun


a lot of...






More specifically...


I dive deep into the game called "World of Warcraft"


And let me tell you something...


funfun and nothing more than just fun...




I also hate some shit so let's talk about it 😅


Let me start by...


saying that...


first it started as a bit of nostalgia for me...


been playin some CATA...


that is the only data disc (DLC) I have ever played before...


been healin some dungeons and shit...


A bit of tankin and shit... on an alt...


No brag... 🙄



but that is not what we are here to talk about today... innit mate??



I truly believe that the future of gaming is in casual PVP.


Think about it for a second...


The most popular and beloved games known to men today are all Player versus Player and they are all easily accessible to an average player. To an average casual normie.

Muggle if you will.  


Fortnite, League of Legends, FIFA etc. etc.


All of these games have one in common, and that is that they are relatively easy to get into. The barrier of entry for new players is relatively low...


What I am trying to hint at is that...


Plunderstorm deserves its own spin-off...

Yes, I truly believe that Plunderstorm deserves its own original game...


If we compare Plunderstorm to for example a Fortnite...


What makes Plunderstorm unique is that the entire World of Warcraft is a spell-based game. Which has a special different feeling to it. Because all the spells only have a certain range, and beyond that, you just cannot do anything.

This forces you to play around enemy player positioning and also around your own positioning. This forces you to try to think about the macro game.

Trying to optimize and leverage every single aspect of the terrain in order to place your spells perfectly. Which makes the whole experience feel very unique...


This spell-based mechanic is not just important in Plunderstorm but is also very crucial to keep in mind when playing Arenas and Battlegrounds...


The new original spin-off game, in my mind, doesn't just have to copy Plunderstorm. It could also implement some aspects of Arena and Battlegrounds as well. After all, there is nothing better than just teaming up with your Duos bro and smashing some noobs...


Of course, we would need a competitive mode as well...


Ranking the player based on points fcking sucks ass...


Nobody wants to say I am 2200 points Arena...

Noone wants to say that...


Everybody wants to say I am Diamond Arena...

I am Gold Arena...

I am just Bronze but am climbing...


Breaking a player base into a few categories and naming those categories accordingly to players individual skill. Carries so much more Rizz it's unbelievable...


am just sayin...


u know...


Obviously, you are allowed to disagree with my correct opinion. You are always allowed to have your own wrong opinion. That's fine. Just keep an open mind, that's all...


see ya in da next one...





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