Josef PazderkaTo seek revenge is...
To forgive is...
Why is it important to forgive?
Holding a grudge.
Trying to seek revenge.
Those are all feelings that poison our hearts.
Forgiveness is all about letting go of negative emotions that disturb our happiness.
Now... Don't get confused.
If someone does you wrong. It is important to learn from that experience. Try to forgive that person, but it is also important to protect your own peace.
How to forgive...
First, we have to try to find empathy for those who did us wrong. They have only done so because they have been carrying shadows from their past.
We have to understand that no one is perfect.
Everyone can make mistakes and we need to have more empathy with each other.
We also need to learn from that experience. Obtain more wisdom. So that we protect ourselves from similar experiences moving forward.
Self sabotage
The reason for self-sabotage is that people carry a shadow or shadows from the past. One of the possible shadows that can cause people to have a tendency to self-sabotage is the feeling of not being good enough.
Feeling like I am not good enough and therefore I don't deserve to be celebrated. I don't deserve to be successful because I am not worthy of success. Feeling like everybody is about to find out that I am not good enough.
These types of feelings may cause people to self-sabotage.
For example, when you were 7 your teacher (or a parent) might have said something like...
"You will never achieve anything in your life. You will always be a failure"
And this may have stuck with you as a form of shadow.
If anyone wants to get rid of this shadow, you have to...
You have to sit down. Start meditating. During that meditation. Go back to that moment in time. Relive the moment and allow the emotions to flow freely. All of those emotions even if those may not be the most pleasant ones.
You have to forgive the teacher/parent for causing you to feel not being good enough. You have to realize that all humans have flaws and that no one is perfect and that at the end of the day, we are all one.
You have to forgive God for allowing this experience to happen.
And you have to forgive the child version of yourself for not believing in yourself. You have to tell the child version of yourself that you love him/her unconditionally. And that despite all the flaws and mistakes he/she made that you still love him/her unconditionally and that you believe in him/her.
At the end of the day, mistakes are only moments in time that we can learn from. All of the good and bad makes us what we are today. We should be grateful and thankful for everything because mistakes are just new opportunities to improve ourselves.